Nursery Funding and Costs

We are able to offer places for funded and privately paid sessions for children from the age of 3 and up. All children are eligible for 15 hours of funded childcare and many parents are entitled to receive 30 hours funded childcare. More information and links for applying for 30-hour codes can be found on the website (see link below).
For those parents needing to pay for sessions we offer a rate of £5.50 per hour in school time, and £6 per hour for Before and After School Clubs or Care. Our delicious lunches are charged at £2.50 per child for Nursery children. EYFS children are also offered a snack morning and afternoon, and we ask for a voluntary contribution of £10 per term, per child in order to purchase fresh, healthy snacks and drinks. 
As our staffing levels are planned well in advance for each session in order to operate safely we need notice of any changes in advance - 4 weeks written notice is required for a child leaving the nursery or reducing their sessions, otherwise fees in lieu of notice will be charged. Please note no refund is made for sickness or absence from nursery.