Rights Respecting School Award

Beaufront’s Rights Respecting School Award Campaign

Beaufront First School aims to ensure that all children are nurtured, respected, motivated and encouraged. As part of our school’s aims to promote a happy and successful school, we are working towards becoming a “Rights Respecting School Award’. This is an award which is given to schools on behalf of UNICEF and we are happy to share that on Wednesday, 8th February 2017, we were awarded our ‘Recognition of Commitment’ certificate in recognition of our intention to become a fully Rights Respecting School.

UNICEF is the world’s leading organisation working for children and their rights. In 1989, governments worldwide promised all children the same rights by adopting the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). These rights are based on what a child needs to survive, grow, participate and fulfil their potential.

The ‘Rights Respecting School’ award (RRSA) will challenge our pupils’ in many ways but will ultimately help them to grow into confident, caring and responsible young citizens both in school and within the wider community. By learning about their rights the children will also learn about the importance of respecting the rights of others in order for all children to enjoy their rights equally. As adults in education, and as parents, we are learning about our roles as ‘duty bearers’ in ensuring that all children in our school and beyond are able to enjoy their rights.

Beaufront First School pupils are encouraged to reflect on how their behaviour and actions affect those around them, which allows us to build and maintain a positive and safe learning environment for all. As we embark on the next stage of our journey in achieving this award we will be working together to establish ways in which we can ensure that all children enjoy their rights, not just within our school but as part of a local and global community. We are excited to see the positive impact of our work with UNICEF and we are already seeing changes in the way in which the children think and behave in school.