
History at Beaufront County First School

At Beaufront County First School we believe that a high quality history curriculum is essential if children are to develop an understanding of  key historical concepts and a detailed and secure chronological knowledge. We aim to inspire children’s curiosity to know more about the past and to develop their ability to ask questions and think critically about the past.


  • In our Early Years Foundation Stage, we aim to:

 * Develop children’s awareness that events can be in the past or the present.

* Develop chronological knowledge by ordering and sequencing familiar events and using everyday language related to time.

* Ensure that children develop historical enquiry skills by asking ‘how’ and ‘why’ questions, and by finding information from books and computers.

* Develop their understanding of key historical concepts by exploring growth and changes over time in their own lives and those of others and within the wider world.

  • In Key Stage 1 and 2 children study the National Curriculum for History and we aim to:

       * Develop chronological knowledge by developing an awareness of the past, using words related to the passing of time and identifying similarities and differences between periods. 

       * Develop a wide vocabulary of historical terms relevant to the area of study. 

       * Ensure that children develop historical enquiry skills by asking and answering questions, and understanding some ways we find out about the past.

       * Enable children to identify different ways in which the past is represented.

       * Develop their understanding of key historical concepts such as continuity and change, cause and consequence,  similarity and difference, and significance of events/ people.                                                                                                  


Early Years

* History is taught in the context of their own lives and those of others through carefully planned cross curricular topics.

* Opportunities to develop historical enquiry skills and vocabulary happen regularly through planned and unplanned discussion.

*Children have access to a range of media and artefacts to explore the past.

*Traditional tales, nursery rhymes and a wide range of stories set in different times and places, from a variety of cultures, give the opportunity to discuss historical ideas.

*Visits and visitors enrich the children’s awareness of history

Key Stage 1 and 2 

*History is taught in interesting and meaningful contexts which engage and inspire children, often with cross-curricular links.

* Teachers plan a clear sequence of lessons and share objectives with pupils.

* Teachers model skills, knowledge and vocabulary clearly and help all pupils to achieve the highest possible standards of achievement. 

* Children  are given opportunities to learn history through a variety of methods such as discussion, role play, designing and making, reading and writing.

*Children are encouraged to evaluate sources, question and suggest reasons.

* Written and oral feedback given to children to develop learning further.                    

* ICT is used to support and enhance teaching and learning. 

* Use of local resources including people and places to enhance learning. 

* After school clubs such as Art club offer the opportunity to further explore historical topics.                                                                                   


* Children have  knowledge and understanding of their personal histories, local history, British history and wider World history.

* Children have chronologically secure knowledge.

* Children have good historical enquiry skills.

* Children demonstrate their understanding of key historical concepts.

* Children who are engaged, inspired and challenged  by history.

We will measure the impact of our History  curriculum through the following methods:

*Teachers will make on-going, formative assessments of children’s history skills and understanding as part of every lesson as they observe, discuss work in progress and question individuals and groups.

* Evidence of a pupil’s work in history in their books.

* Children’s engagement in history activities in class.

* Children are confident to discuss their learning with adults and their peers.

Curriculum Lead: Jackie Hughes